What is Cultural Heritage? Why is that important for us? How does it contribute to forming our Identity? What role does Cultural Heritage play for our communities?

The pupils of 6 different European countries will take a closer look at the subject “Shared Cultural Heritage” and hopefully will be confident in answering those questions.

'Our shared Cultural Heritage - Where the Past meet...

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password: Puipa


Algimantas Puipa is one of the most productive directors in Lithuania, with more than 20 feature films to his name, many of which have received international film awards. He was born on July 14, 1951 in Antalieptė, Lithuania. Between 1969-1974 he studied at Film direction at the Moscow Institute of Cin...

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Reaching Out Through Skype is an international, multidisciplinary project that connects children with different backgrounds, ages and from different countries. The project aims to inspire children to learn multiple languages and to get in touch with their artistic talent.

Pupils from Tbilisi Classical Gymnasium (Georgia)

Multilingualism – let’s celebrate!
Early October, annually, after a t...

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Feestelijke opening op 15 december 2012 om 16:30, Filmhuis LUMEN In aanwezigheid van de Ambassadeur van de Republiek Litouwen, Z.E. de heer Darius Jonas Semaška. Met o.a. de jonge, talentvolle en eigenzinnige Litouwse zangeres, MIGLOKO, opgegroeid in de Onafhankelijke Republiek Užupis (te Vilnius)

Filmhuis LUMEN (te Delft) za 15 december 16:30 uur - Tadas Blinda. The Beginning/ TADAS BLIN...

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